If you listen to Japanese Rock chances are that, without knowing it, IKUO's bass strings have reached your ears one way or the other. His fingers have mastered the four strings, adding the most professional but enjoyable beat to every single collaboration.
He is among the bestest, and he is -of course- only rooted and established with the best of the scene as well. So much, he's not a hidden talent anymore. Out of Japan, in the past, he's not someone you would have noticed at first glance at all. But gradually, it was just impossible to ignore him. His style and talent became the rope to tug him forward on the stage, right where the spotlights and the audience can see him perfectly. But he's always been heard just fine, that's how IKUO's bass is.
So just in case you're one of those who has a hard time trying to spot the bass when listening to a track (and don't be embarrassed, I was just like that and WHILE listening to the big ones like GLAY. I'm so sorry, Jiro-san) I can guaratee you that IKUO will have you notice it as much as any other instrument.
T.M.Revolution, Bull Zeichen 88, Rayflower, Acid Black Cherry, Abingdon Boys School, Cube Ray, TETSUYA (he's the bassist of a bassist.What else do you want?)
But that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Look wise, though! IKUO's quite thematic with his choices. Even when it comes to following a dress code for a determined project, his personality is reflected in what he wears. You can easily spot him wherever he's standing on the stage, for the seat he chose in the color wheel isn't the most discreet one:

To celebrate his solo album R.E.D ZONE I decided to give this a go.
Based on his standard eyeliner style, his characteristic colors, and some other small details that you can also relate to him, I created a very wearable look with this thematic.
You can wear this for a concert, to match an edgy outfit, or just adapt it to your own preference with other colors. It's a very moldable look. So join me!
1. The look is loaded with eyeliner and shadow. You want this to last and go smooth, specially if your lids tend to be oily.
2. You'll see what we'll get done here ;) Just prime this area in inverted triangle shape.
3. Be it with your fingers or a brush, apply foundation around the eye area. It can also be just concealer. If you consider it necessary, apply all over face or blemishes. Whichever you choose, powder is a MUST afterward.
4. With a pencil liner go along your crease and end at the outer corner with a rounded, enlongated end (if I'm making no sense, follow the image lol). The line has to be visible when your eye is open and relaxed. I say this because some types of eyelids -like mine- tend to swallow the liner job once you relax your eye. To successfully achieve this I recommend lining with your eye relaxed and open! Then try looking down and check the shape is alright. When the shape is the desired one, fill the rest!
PS: Don't worry about the shape being perfect. And make sure you don't take that lining too high! It has to be thin and long enough to emulate IKUO's eye shape and how it looks with his make up on.
5. Still with me? Good! Now... you're going to fill all the lined area with black shadow. This will set the liner. But only inside the area, moving the brush downward.
6. With a clean brush with fluffy bristles start blending! Do it gently but repeatedly. Go inside and then go over the edge of the lined area. Back and forth, back and forth. Don't go too high! It has to be slightly smoked, but not enough to become a smokey eye. And since we're adding more colors, keep it low.
7. Voilá! It's just a gentle smoked effect, see? The edge has to be visible, something quite characteristic to Visual-Kei lining, don't you think? Anyway, at this point fall outs are going to be there. And black shadow fall outs! But no worries. Remember the powder layer you applied earlier? That's going to be like a velvet carpet for the fall outs. Just brush them out of the way with a soft powder brush. A kabuki brush would be the best option. Do this each time there's a residue over your face.
8. Because the blending messed a bit the previous job, go over the mobile eyelid with either gel or liquid liner. Slightly enlongate the inner corner.
9. Over the smoked area, go over with a middle brown. Leave the outer corner untouched.
10. Do the same with a dark red, this time over the outer corner.
11. Once again with a clean fluffy brush gently blend the brown and red together to create a subtle transition between both colors. Remember to not go too high. Also, darken your waterline with a black pencil.
12. With the same red you used before, go over your lower lashline.
13. With your pinky finger, smudge the red gently until it has a soft appearance.
14. Do your eyebrows as you prefer! I used shadow and created a thinner shape than usual, just to remain close to IKUO's usual look.
15. Fun part! And useful for any pattern you wish to draw on your face: With pencil liner, write what you want on a small paper (in this case is IKUO's name in number code: 190/I-KU-O), but do it backward. In my case I did it first with pen, and then went over it with pencil liner. Then just press it under your eye!
Results of the instant print! Now you don't have to go through the ackwardness of writing backward on your own face.
16. Go over it with liquid/gel liner. Don't worry about perfect lines, that will add to the style.
17. Add depth and color with some red shadow!
18. Pat a bit of concealer over your lips. Not too much. You just want to tone down their original color, and not wash it off.
19. Very very gently with a small brush, line your upper lip with red and black shadow. Don't make it too dark. And if you wish, pat some lip balm over your lips afterward.
20. Remember the primer triangle? I can't grow facial hair like IKUO's lol but why not emulate his characteristic style with some graphic liner? Choose liquid or gel for this purpose.
I added a bit of contouring to the cheekbones. But thats optional.
And that's all!
I hope you find it useful, and if you happen to put it in practice I would really love to see your results. Thank you very much for checking this corner!
Keep enjoying IKUO's amazing bass playing!
Abingdon Boys School,
Bull Zeichen 88,
make up,
T.M. Revolution,
You finally posted ittttttt!!!!!! Here i've been waiting not so patiently forever *3*.
ResponderEliminarI can't tell you how awesome (and random) this tutorial was, but so amazing indeed. I don't know if many know who he is, but that is beyond the point. This is a very wearable look and fun to do! You got all the characteristics and colors going on it, kept it simple and looking amazing. It doesn't look too hard, so i think i'm going to give this a go at it as soon as i have the chance! With this guide i'm sure anyone can do it (dunno about my skills though, but we'll see!). Loved every second of it, and the final result is pretty rad and awesome and ikuoish!
Keep it up with the fun looks!!!